Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos

I'm home. The past few days have been jam-packed with traveling. We left Roatan at about 6 a.m. on Saturday (with four new friends in tow, which I expected to be a huge pain in the ass since we were on a tight time schedule - and I am neurotic - but it actually worked out quite well... The only mishap was that in a sleepy hungover haze, we got into the wrong cab, thinking we were piling into the one we arranged and paid $10 for the day before), and got to Copan in time for the discoteca.

Being back in Copan for the weekend was a nice way to end the trip. Although a few things had changed in just a couple weeks (for example, the school had moved to a new building, and of course, all our teachers had new students), it felt familiar. It was also quite a test of our Spanish skills. We had dinner one night with one of our teachers, and basically flubbed for the first 20 minutes. But by the time we started playing Spanish scrabble with her 6-year-old, we were right back on the Spanish-speaking track, albeit at an elementary level.

Now that I have landed home safe and sound, I can voice a few things I didn't want to say for fear of jinxing us. For one, now I can honestly say no major tragedies happened on this trip; none of us was mugged or bags slashed or luggage lost or travel plans foiled. Sure we all had diarrhea for weeks, I had violent food poisoning, two others were out with a bacteria for a week or so.... but nothing too detrimental. Not a bad trip.

There are already a few things I miss, topping the list are eating baleadas and speaking Spanish. But here a few things I welcome upon my return to the States: hot showers, washing machines (and dryers for Pete's sake!), high speed Internet, flushing the TP down the toilet... I guess it's the little things.

And I am sure I will do some more reminiscing about the trip as I put in my Reggaeton CD and cook up some huevos y frijoles, but really I guess now my blog will return to more mundane musings. Like my shower regimen experiment and whether I am really Jewish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stop the presses, you shower? anyways- welcome home duder. the savvy traveler entries on your blog were a fun read.