Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's snowing here.

Really. Snowing. These shenanigans have been going on for hours now. I know what you are thinking: Sara, you live in Chicago. It's still winter there. It snows in Chicago all the ever-loving time.

And yes, the weather would not be that big of a deal if a) I didn't just get back from the freaking island tropics where I was tan and constantly sweaty and b) I didn't have my winter jacket stolen from the bar this weekend. Who, by the way, steals coats? Especially since it's (hopefully) mere weeks until spring breaks, stores have already shipped out their coats and are stocked with sun dresses, and I have absolutely zero dollars in the bank to shell out for a new coat. Curses.

Nerd alert for the day: One of my traveling buddies and I have been emailing back and forth each day in Spanish, each note including four or five new vocab words. Nerdy, we know, but I am hoping this will help us retain the Spanish. Words for today included asombroso (amazing) and pasmoso (awesome). Surprised?

In other news, I am moving from Chicago. I recently came to the realization that it was high time for me to live in the same city as mi amor, so I am moving to be with him. Enough of this crappy long-distance business. And as I am subletting my place, selling my stuff, packing up my clothes and having last nights dancing and last mornings afters eating at Clarks, I am finding that it feels just right.


Anonymous said...

Where are you moving, and who is this Fricking BF?

Anonymous said...

I re-miss you already.


Say 'hi' to Seth!