Wednesday, April 19, 2006

bathing regimen experiment continued

[Editor's note, Part 2: I'm back to the original layout. Sure, I'm indecisive, but I also don't think I liked the white space and large font of the last template. That's for those of you who are following my layout changes....]

Now back to more important things. Like shower regimen. Last fall I began something of an experiment that required me to temporarily abandon my trusty bar soap in the shower for a host of gels and washes and loofahs. After a couple weeks, I was convinced all those nonsense girlie products were actually there for a reason.

Then I traveled with nary a loofah or scrub and have since gone back to my old ways. Though I fully recognize that seemingly superfluous shower products certain serve their purpose in the daily regimen, I have found that the real key is lotion. Without that, we are nothing. OK that might be overstating it, but regardless of how I clean my body, lotion has been the trusty standby to guarantee nice-feeling skin.

But the real focus this time is on shaving. I have always been a fan of the cheap yet trusty pink razors that come a dozen to a $5-pack, but on a whim I thought I'd try out a couple new brands. Really, I thought I would upgrade to Noxema brand razors, and since they had fat plastic handles, more blades than you can count, and came only three to a pack, I thought they would be quality. Plus, they weren't as expensive as the $8 fancy-pants brands, so they seemed reasonable.

I was sadly mistaken. I gave them a try for a couple weeks and was disappointed each time. They plain didn't work. Noxema should stick to making just face wash. So I decided to abandon the upgrade attempt and picked up a 99 cent two-razor pack of Schick from the travel size bin at CVS. As it turns out, these were better than anything I have used - which I suppose isn't too surprising considering this is what Schick does, but these were no Quattro Xtreme Razor 2000 or anything.

Usually you get what you pay for, but not in this case. My guess is, I'll eventually go back to the reliable Daisy razors (unless I decide to continue the tests and reach for the high-end ones or even men's razors?)... I mean, if it ain't broke....


Anonymous said...

You'll be happy which ever layout you use. That's my guess.

Anonymous said...

I understand Knight Ridder has been sold and is in the process of being liquidated, which means KITT and Michael Knight are also looking for work these days. Everyone knows it’s hard to compete with a talking car and a former heart throb in his tight jeans, wavy hair, and laidback style. However, they are looking for a couple reporters in the Oakland area.