Saturday, May 28, 2005

it's finally summer

After endless weeks of rain and cool weather, it is finally summer here. In fact, it got up to 85 degrees the other day and the beer gardens have been filled to the brim.

(I have managed to visit four separate beer gardens across the city last week... Best one? Must say it's a tie between Bezrucovy Sady - more of a family crowd, smaller, often live music - and Letna - one of the best views of the city and the river and perched on the edge of a massive park. Also nice are Vysehrad, with a rivaling view, and unfortunately the one within spitting distance of my apartment is coming in last.)

But I assure you beer gardens are more than just drinking, lest you think my time in Prague is hazy blur. It's people watching, getting to know co-workers, playing Sincerity (for rules, see the book Prague - you know, the one about Budapest? Never read it, but they lay out this really fun game in the first few pages that's all about picking one true statement out of a few lies and grilling your teammates.)

The heat wave also gave me an opportunity to go swimming in a reservoir on the outskirts of the city. Interestingly enough, I discovered there was a nudist section to the swimming area. And I mean nudist - not just women undoing their bathing tops. Naked-as-a-jaybird nudist. Although it seemed entirely normal to everyone else, it was certainly a shock at first, as you just don't get the nudist element at most American swimmin' holes.

Yesterday, the heat wave ended with a massive thunderstorm and hail the size of BB pellets. All work at the Prague Post ceased, as reporters became children pegging each other with the solid ice balls. The lawn was white with the ice, the gutters filled and the air was finally cool.

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