Monday, April 25, 2005

best bar ever

This guy I work with was pointing out to me the today that a lot of things are done here that are dripping with irony or punchy humor to us, but the Czechs are stone-cold serious.

Case in point: a bar up the street from my house called the Peach Pit. As you might have imagined the bar is awash in Beverly Hills 90210 kitsch - framed photos of the cast members, old records stapled to the wall, bright early 90s teal and yellow walls. The bar has neon lights, a TV playing MTV and an After Dark room with leather couches and a more mellow vibe. The place is awesome and brought me right back to the days of Brandon and the gang. So I snagged one of the menus on the table: a Xerox picture of the 90210 crew with the menu in Czech typed over it.

But I couldn’t help but wonder if the bar owners were serious - was 90210 a huge phenomenon here that they wanted to pay homage to or maybe they are expats who thought it would be funny (I am told it’s more likely the former). And I also wonder if any of the bar patrons - most of whom were very young and likely not watching 90210 in it’s heyday… that is, unless it got here later than it ran in the states and is still a hit show - knew that they were surrounded my an impressive collection of early 90s American TV nostalgia. Not sure I’ll ever know, but I will certainly return to the Peach Pit. Maybe I’ll see Nat next time.

1 comment:

Dave Keating said...

If you liked that you should definitly stop by the Simpsons-themed bar. It's pretty crappy but it's dripping with post-modern irony, especially from when you realize from talking to people there that none of them have ever even seen the Simpsons, they just know it from t-shirts, etc.

It's about a block North of Namesti Miru, can't think of the street though.