Saturday, December 24, 2005

moustaches are the new black

After much debate (and a few of my friends thinking I am crazy), I thought it necessary to dedicate an entire post to moustaches.

I am a huge fan of the 'stache, and I think their comeback into the fashion mainstream is just around the corner. As with many trends, this too will begin with people a) ignoring it, not caring about The Great Moustache renaissance, b) laughing at moustaches, perhaps out of ignorance, c) attacking the moustachioed for boldly leading the charge, and finally d) accepting the 'stache. Soon every man will want one.

See, moustaches are the perfect blend of masculine, pervy, sexy and absolutely ridiculous. A moustache says: "I can fix the kitchen sink, I might say something sexually inappropriate, I don't take myself too seriously, and I will always keep you guessing."

Although I think most men can rock a moustache with much panache, there are a few things to keep in mind (compiled with some male input):

1. If you've tried and can't quite fill out that upper lip with hair, give it up. Shave. It's not meant to be.

2. Maintain the 'stache. They must be trimmed and brushed, and a bit of conditioning probably wouldn't hurt it either. But don't take it too far, a la Prince circa 1990.

3. The moustache is not limited to indie rockers in plaid shirts and clip on ties listening to Death Cab for Cutie. Or to horse-riding rednecks, porn stars, plumbers or Edgar Allan Poe. It is not an accessory, but the centerpiece of any style. So grow one, and be yourself.

4. On a related point, if you have chosen the moustachioed way, be comfortable in it. Own it. Walk around like you know you look awesome, and you will then be a successful 'stached trend-setter.


Anonymous said...

Fair to say that an additional rule should be this: dudes only. One trend that I think will skip our sex.

Lip hair on a woman? Neither sexy nor mysterious. Just....ew.

Sara said...

Ah, duly noted, CK. Thank you for that amendment.