Thursday, July 13, 2006

a morning show rant

I've had kind of a one-track mind lately, my thoughts overwhelmingly dominated by the stresses of finding a job. Will they call back? Did they like my ideas? Will I ever work again, and if I do, will I remember what to do, how the phone works, how to ask questions?

Understandably, I've been blogging less, since as you no doubt are gathering, this can get tiring and doesn't make for engaging discussion.

But I had to document - or reiterate, as I know I have addressed this in the past - my utter, visceral hatred for Ann Curry. Many of you likely have jobs and lives and whatnot that preclude you from sitting in front of the television in the mornings picking apart the mannerisms and characteristics of one Today show host. So allow me.

Now, first let me say that I am sure she is a nice person, means well, has a good heart, yadda yadda yadda. That said, I think she is a horrible television personality - I hesitate to use the word "reporter" for what she does. When she interviews people on sensitive topics, she contorts her face in this oh-for-shame, I-feel-for-you look that only comes across as contrived and condescending. (This reminds me of the Tyra Banks fat suit incident, where for her show she donned a fat suit for an hour, badgered people about how she expected them to react, then sat with real life fat women on her stage and cried, acting like she had any small clue what they were going through.)

Curry never looks comfortable. She has a nervous energy to her, like the nerdy kid doesn't quite fit in, so laughs a bit too loud and whines rather than holds her own in the banter with other hosts. When Katie Couric did it, it was charming and natural.

I just watched her unabashedly fawn over Diane Lane, showering her with compliments, acting like they were best friends. Again, with Katie it felt genuine, but such charisma is lost on her replacement. On the other hand, the other Today host Natalie Morales has it. She's calm, humble, comfortable and brings a feeling of realism to the lineup.

Why am I all of a sudden a media critic, caring about the stupid morning show? Really not sure. Why don't you just turn off the television, Sara? Okay, I will, but it's like a train wreck. Television in general kind of is - except for the most awesome show ever: So You Think You Can Dance, and most public television programming. Most of it makes me angry and bored and disillusioned, but despite my intense negative emotions, it's hard for me to walk away. Perhaps because it allows me to focus on something other than the toils of finding work.


Anonymous said...

I believe you should write a letter to the network explaining the situation that apparently they turn a blind eye to. Yall suck!
ps. are you hiring?

oh.. Remember that show "Talk Soup"? Sweet show right?
And whatshisname with the white patch on his head - kind of catchy. by the way what WAS that? Ringworm? I dont know.

You need to start a talkshow critic column - Just talk about the highlights - Tyra in a fat suit? - I need the movie.

By the way: there are over fifty mistakes in this comment.

Sara said...

Mistakes and all, I appreciate your comments. Maybe I will start a media critic column and bash people in the industry that are working, mainly just TV people since it's usually all crap. And I could be massively harsh like the women who do It could be a good release.

Agreed. Talk Soup was great. I think that guy just got a show on the TV Guide Network. And no, something tells me the white hair was not caused by ringworm.