Friday, July 28, 2006

Time to go shopping for new business casual

It's official: I am employed.

Finally. A job. A real life, full-time, paying job.

As some of you might recall, I interviewed with a place a few weeks ago. It went great, I met everyone, and I thought I was as good as hired. But then many long anxious days pass, and a mind-scrambling back and forth ensues - give us story ideas, now make them better and gives us new ones, ok now do a test story for us, ok now sit by the phone and wait and go slowly crazy, ok now be patient because we are going through budget talks and we'll let you know soon.

But I kept on them, and finally yesterday they asked me to stop by the office. The editor coyly asks me how I am feeling. I say anxious. He asks me if I want to work there. I say yes, and he says, well you're going to, and hands over an envelope with the offer letter.


So we chat, I tell him I feel good about it, but that I need to look at the details and think it over and will call them. I took my offer letter home (tearing into the envelope before getting back to my car), bought a 12-pack and invited a friend over and proceeded to get drunk in the middle of the afternoon.

This morning, I tried my hand at a little salary negotiation, which didn't really go as planned. I knew I'd be taking a cut going back to newspapers, but then when it became a reality and I could see the numbers on the page, I felt disappointed, a little crestfallen, and I guess a little frustrated. Sure, I had hoped for more, and I had gotten pretty comfortable this last year of freelancing for magazines and traveling and living the life of relative luxury. But it took a little reminder that this is indeed why I decided to go back to grad school and that I believe in this publication and my desire to be a part of a newspaper.

The fact that I am getting paid less, but shelling out tons more each month paying off these stinking grad school loans, stings. My father keeps saying it was an investment in my future, and it was worth it, and I wanted this and I followed it. I am hoping he's right, and leave it to my dad to put it all into perspective.

Plus, I'm just being a baby about it. Truth is, I really wanted this job regardless and I am really excited to be doing daily reporting again.

So on Tuesday morning, I will get up and shower and dress and eat a bowl of cereal and go to work at an office. It's been two years since I've done that (grad school newsroom not withstanding), and I can't wait. I am finally and officially employed.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yay for you!