Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Why did I chose this career again?

My job search trudges on, and I am trying desperately to stay positive, when really, professional morale is at an all time low, and I am this close to considering nursing school (I hear nurses are in demand) or the old stand-by career (if I had the talent, that is): professional back-up dancer.

I interviewed at one place that I felt really good about. In fact, the interview went great, and one of the editors and I hit it off like we were old friends from the block. I met with pretty much everyone in the damn newsroom, including the publisher, who shook my hand and congratulated me, since meeting him meant I was going to get an offer. Awesome, right? Well then days pass, during which there is some back and forth with one of the editors who wanted me to come up with story ideas, then wanted different, fresher, more enterprising ones (all this without having the sources or knowing the beat or the area) and now there's talk of a test story.


*shoulders falling*

So I am still searching, and trying to ignore this sneaking sense of panic I can feel coming on. "Oh, you'll get a job one day." "It'll all work out soon." Really? Really? I'm not so sure. I guess it's sort of comforting to hear from other journalists in similar situations. But it would be more comforting if we all got calls back and abundant job offers.

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