Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Oops, another monthly expense

The folks who run memberships at gyms know what they were doing. No matter how much information you try to drag out of them on the phone, they always insist you come down and see the gym and meet them. And despite my intentions, they always seem to rope me in, cut me a deal, and have me signing a contract.

That was the case today, when I meant to just go down there, get a feel for the atmosphere and an idea of the monthly rates. It's nothing special. It's a gym, has some machines, a few classes, a locker room. I am itching for some physical activity, and the aforementioned stifling heat isn't really conducive to a mid-day jog.

But considering I don't have a steady income and I am not sure if I'll be getting a job anywhere near the gym, I was hesitant to sign up just yet.

Then again, if I don't sign up today, I'll have to pay the $150 fee when I do decide to join, the mastermind salesman tells me. I'm sure you'll be working down here, he says. This really is the closest gym to you for the best price, he pushes. Then we start talking deals: I am shaking my head, hesitating, he's jotting down numbers and wringing his hands. Then I am handing over my credit card.

To my credit, I was able to talk him down from a one- or two-year contract, to one for six months, in case I needed to cancel and didn't want to pay the ridiculous fee. He also gave me the cheaper, two-year contract rate, and the first month and a half free.

Ok, I know what you are thinking: He does that for everyone; (once again) you're not special. I guess that's probably the case. Sure, I'm probably a sucker. But at least I didn't sign my entire life - and life savings - away. And, I have a meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow morning. (Which, I hope is nothing like my friend's recent trip to a trainer in her new home of Singapore, where they told this petite girl that she was obese and out of shape. Yikes!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh dude, i totally understand the whole contract thing. they rope you in!!! dont be ashamed. it happens to all of us, and apparently contracts are the "in" thing right now. im suprised we dont have contracts for eating at our favorite restaurants. geez. hope your trainer episode is better than the PFA in singapore!