Monday, November 07, 2005

don't judge

I love the Ellen DeGeneres show.

I think Ellen is hysterical. Her timing is perfect, her facial expressions are priceless and her strange segments are mindlessly enjoyable. I find myself laughing out loud at her show all the time.

I plan to write her a letter expressing my love for her show and how I think she would have a blast hanging out with me and my friends having dance parties (that's how she starts every show - amazing) and laughing non-stop. Maybe she'll give me a free trip to the Bahamas or fly me to LA for a taping and let me come on stage as her co-host.

Don't judge me until you've watched it.


Kirsten Miller said...

I'll stop adoring Ellen if she doesn't want to hang out with you and your *amazingly funny* friends.

You should send pictures of your bird flu costumes. Or a taping of you & CK1 riding around Chi-town in the Chevy Cav. You've got buckets of material to work with here. (I'll be the cameraman. I'm awesome. Really.)

Anonymous said...

I fully support everything that was just said in this post and comments.

Anonymous said...

OK fine, I'll admit it. I'm judging, a little bit. But that's just b/c I've never seen the show and I'm effing jealous of your "birthday" dinner.

I suppose one could say I hate-not-appreciate.