Monday, November 07, 2005

the fate of this blog ...

... has been under question for some time. I think I only have about two readers and I find myself recycling stories to those few who do read it (which is exactly why one of my best friends said she wouldn't read it). So I have had to chose my blog topics carefully, especially considering I am not dodging bullets in Caracas, and I often think it's just not worth it.

Then I said today, to hell with all that madness. So I am here to write some total crap that maybe one or two people might read, finding little need to comment on it, and then we can all just move on with our lives.

I have re-entered a phase of body image obsession. It's been a while, but my tendency to overthink my weight, what I eat and how much I exercise has crept back up. See, I like to think I am the kind of girl who can eat burgers and shwill beers like any dude, with little care of calories. And to a certain degree I am, but never far from the surface is the girl who used to be chubby and is horrified of being fat when she's older.

I once had a friend tell me it's stupid to watch what you eat and if you feel like you're gaining weight, just go for a run. That's easy for you to say, at maybe 115 pounds soppng wet with boots on. But the reality is I watched my mom struggle, which I want to avoid, and I too fall into the trap of believing thin is beautiful. (For the record, I am talking 5, 10, 20 pounds here, not obesity, which is a whole different issue and evokes completely different responses from me.)

When I went to Prague, I quit caring about all that and let myself eat whatever I wanted and drink enough beer to sate a sailor. I would bet the weight gain is barely noticeable, but it's brought me back to borderline obsession of counting calories, working out every day and feeling eater's remorse after an egg and bacon sandwich at Clark's.

For all that personal, self-reflective garbage I've dumped here, I'll throw in something a little more light-hearted. I went to a bar the other night that has a small dance floor and amazing dance-party music. On one side of the dance floor, these two guys had set up something like a you-got-served circle, but they were swinging their arms like they were manning two jump ropes. And people would take a running start and jump in between them to demonstrate their best moves. When someone would ignore the imaginary ropes and walk right between them, they would pause, look annoyed and lean down to slowly, in unison, pick up the ropes from the floor. It was awesome. Just as I mustered the courage to jump in, the song was over and they didn't pick pick up the ropes again. Probably for the better.


Kirsten Miller said...

You must'nt stop blogging. I adore your re-emerged obsession (probably because I share it!) and love reading your blog.

Oh! And commenting on it. I'm just sayin'.

Don't leave your followers out in the cold. We'll make you sorry. (Somehow. I'll figure that out later.)

Anonymous said...

The you-got-served circle was one of those great moments in my life. (Well, at least that night, my first foray into the Liar's Club.)

And I completely understand the body self-consciousness. I won't call you crazy, I'll just sit back, support and enable on those days that we pig out at Clarke's. With our boy Jake/Al.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed this entry, buried under Ellen Degeneres. (Or "Ellen Degenerate," as the hardcore religious right likes to call her. 'Wonderful people.)

Please don't refrain, or be more selective about your posts, just because some of us are quote "dodging bullets in Caracas." I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts - and blogs serve different purposes at different points.

In a previous discussion over on my page, I think it was you who mentioned a pro of coming home as "there are equally good stories at home as abroad."

I mean seriously, in about a month I'm gonna be home, broke, presumably unemployed - all of this excitement behind, and bored out of my gourd...leaving plenty of time to don't think I'm gonna be seriously deconstructing myself on my blog?

So hopefully I can pull as effective of a "blog transition" from global as you did.

That said, I'm FURIOUS you ladies are hitting the Liar's Club without me. Who do you think invented the jump rope move?