Monday, January 30, 2006

a few language mistakes

Learning another language, your bound to make mistakes. But the mistakes we are making tend to lean toward the vulgar.

I think the first most egregious mistake was when one of us tried to explain to her family that she just loved peanut butter. See, the previous day, we had learned the words for peanut butter (crema de mani) and penis (pene.... remember, we all have 20-something-year-old teachers who giggle and gossip like they are 13, which means we learn muchas malas palabras).

The next morning, my friend A's family is serving peanut butter at breakfast. She lives in a highly religious Seventh Day Adventist home with some one dozen kids. She looks square at her padre, and says "Mmmm, mi favorita! Me gusta crema de pene!" Which, I am sure you can understand translates to the fact that her favorite food is penis cream. Nice one. After dying a thousand deaths, her painfully quiet padre just looks at her blankly. It took her a few minutes to realize what she had said, and at that point, she was too mortified to explain her mistakes.

Other incidents have also included our friend L holding up a bottle of an illegal alcoholic beverage called "chi cha." But rather than calling it by it's proper name, she holds it up and hollers "Chi Ches!" which is slang for boobs. Similarly, one friend tried to explain that she wanted to do something, but that she was scared (Tengo miedo) and instead replied that she had shit (Tengo mierda.)

And finally, today A was talking with her teacher about the guy who took us horse back riding last week. She said she was looking forward to riding again with Don Pedo, and her teacher erupted in laughter. We've been calling him Don Pedo, because, well we thought that was his name. It's not. It's Don Beto. Don Pedo translates to Mr. Fart. Ooops again.


Anonymous said...

Where are you going on your travels? There is a new president and there maybe some security issues. Do you want to go Tegus? There is great stuff there and Ada has connections. let me know.

Kirsten Miller said...

Holy crap. I have never laughed so much (out loud!) at a blog before. Well done!

You're a funny lady :)