Saturday, January 28, 2006

surreal moments, Copan edition, part II

More surreal moments here in Central America:

1. We went to San Pedro Sula last night to see one of our friends off at the airport early this morning. The $5 bus ride included two movies: Duece Bigalow European Gigalo, with hysterical Spanish subtitulos, and Snow Dogs, with almost as funny subtitles.

2. Upon arriving, we stop by the hotel for a shower and then head directly to the mall. That's right. The mall. We travel three hours to S.P.S. to hit the mall, at which point we saddle up for a good old fashioned chicken sandwich from Wendy's. I guess "developing country" really means "the US making it more like the suburbs."

3. The mall is followed by TGIFridays. I wish I was lying. Flair and all. Christ.

4. Finally, discoteque time, and the reggeaton we have grown to adore and crave was a welcome break from the American pop songs and nauseating air conditioning of Friday's. But the strange part came in the middle of the evening, when the dance floor erupted to the classic "Whoop There It Is." Again, we found ourselves wondering if we were really there.

5. We left S.P.S. this morning on a giant yellow school bus where the seats had been replaced with reclining bus seats. There were a few moments when the bus took the infamous hair-pin turns through the mountains that I was sure we were all going to soon plunge to our deaths (flash back to night train to Budapest). Either that or be car sick all over the place in a school bus sans bathroom.

Somehow we made it back, and although it was a nice break from the tiny town of Copan, I am glad to be back in a place not lit entirely by fast food signs and mall lights.


Anonymous said...

REGGAETON! The evil plague that is mercilessly sweeping across Latin America. I will not rest till it is wiped off the face of the earth.

It saddens me, but I'm afraid this war pits us against one another as enemies, Sara. I take no pleasure in what I might be forced to do. You were my friend.

Sara said...

Ok yes I must admit that I do like me some reggaeton. Pleasedon't judge. But it's only been a few weeks of it, and come to think of it we hear the same five songs over and over.... my guess is we'll be over it soon enough.